The Nature of Angels




We’re told in Ge 2:7 that God formed Adam from “the dust of the ground”. What this amounts to is earth and water. Although water isn’t specifically mentioned in the translated text, I believe it is understood; because dirt without any moisture at all doesn’t hold together. Also, scientific analysis of the human body reveals it to be approximately 60% water, with the other 40% being various minerals and basic elements — that is, earth.

If you were to take a large lump of clay and shape it into a human-like form, no matter how careful and artistic you might be with your sculpting, you could never make that clay look and behave like actual flesh. And although the two forms might be comprised of exactly the same materials in exactly the same proportions, you could easily tell the difference. To change the material from cold clay to living flesh requires an act of God. That divine act changes the appearance and the qualities between these two forms even though they are made of the same matter.

We’re told in Ps 104:4 and He 1:7 that, “[God] makes the flames His servants and the winds His messengers.” This tells us that the angels are made out of fire and air.

Some texts which liken angels to fire and air are the following:

Ge 3:24; “He placed at the east of the Garden cherubim and a flaming sword which turned every way.”

2Ki 2:11; “There appeared a chariot of fire, and Elijah was taken by a whirlwind into Heaven.”

Is 24:21; “In that day the Lord will punish the powers in the heavens above …”

Ez 1:4, 13-14; “I saw a whirlwind, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself … the appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire; and out of the fire went lightning … and the living creatures came and went with the appearance of a flash of lightning.”

Lk 10:18; “I beheld Satan, as lightning, fall from Heaven.”

Ep 2:2; “The Prince of the Power of the Air.”

Ep 6:12; “We wrestle … against wicked spirits of the air, (of heavenly places).”

If you were to see an angel, it probably would not have the appearance of fire and air. By creating their forms and giving them life, God altered their appearance and characteristics. So angels no longer look like a ball of fire, just as humans no longer look like a ball of mud. These are just the basic components from which they were made.

So in other words, if you were to meet an angel, then happened to throw a bucket of water on him, that would not kill him or affect him. Just as if you get drenched with water you don’t start dissolving into a puddle of mud. The change of form upon being given life has affected the original properties of the materials.

However, humans need to keep replenishing themselves with new supplies of raw materials by drinking water and eating foods that have a similar earthly make up. Likewise, I believe angels need to be replenished occasionally with heat and air.

We’re told in 2Cr 12:2 that the Apostle Paul visited “the third heaven”. In explaining this term, Bible scholars tell us there are three meanings of the word “heaven”, and from these we can understand what each of the three heavens are. The third heaven is what we typically think of as God’s dwelling place; the Celestial City where He rules. The first heaven is Earth’s atmosphere; that region of air above the ground where the birds fly and the clouds form. The second heaven is that area which we now call outer space; where the stars and planets follow their courses. Bible verses can be found with the term heaven used in each of these meanings.

First Heaven (atmosphere):

Ge 1:7; “God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were beneath from the waters which were above; … and God called the firmament heaven.”

Ge 1:20; “Let there be fowl that may fly above the earth in the open heaven.”

Rv 21:1; “I saw a new heaven and new earth; for the first heaven and first earth were passed away.”

Second Heaven (outer space):

Ge 1:14-18; “Let there be lights in the heaven to divide the day from the night.”

Ac 2:19-20; “I will show wonders in the heavens above … the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood.”

Rv 6:13; “The stars of heaven fell to the earth; as a fig tree casts its figs.”

Third Heaven (God’s home):

Ac 1:11; “This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall come back in like manner.”

Ac 7:55; “Stephen, being full of the Holy Spirit, looked up into Heaven, and saw the glory of God.”

Rv 21:2; “I saw the holy city coming down from God out of Heaven.”

I believe that when Lucifer and his rebellious angels were cast out of God’s presence and told to go to the void, that what this meant was they were expelled from the third heaven and sent out to wander aimlessly in the “wilderness” of the second heaven, and were given instructions to stay away from any worlds which were already assigned as the dominion of other beings.

Even though angels are spiritual beings, and not physical ones, I believe they find outer space to be uncomfortable. Although they are of a spiritual fire, and even the characteristics of that have been changed through their creation into living beings, they still retain enough similarity to physical fire that they desire heat and air, and thus dislike the absence of these. Outer space has no atmosphere and is very cold. And these are two conditions which fire can’t stand: lack of air and lack of heat. So while angels may be able to pass through this area while in transit to a destination; I don’t think they like to stay there. For the fallen angels this was their punishment — to live in a vacuum away from the atmosphere and warmth of God.

As Lucifer and his band wandered about in the Void, they may have discovered that their discomfort was lessened if they hovered just on the outskirts of Earth’s atmosphere. Here they could get some air and some warmth. They couldn’t cross fully into the atmosphere, our first heaven, because of the prohibition against entering Adam’s domain. But from this vantage point Lucifer was able to watch Adam and his realm, then develop a plan to capture it from him.

God is the source of life and light and warmth. In the beginning of Earth’s creation the first thing He did was create light for us. There are also several texts which describe God in terms of fire. It is also written that anything unrighteous which comes into His presence is consumed by the fire of His holiness.

God as fire:

He 12:29; “Our God is a consuming fire.” (c.f.: De 4:24 & 9:3.)

Ez 1:26b-28; “There was the likeness of a man above the throne, with the appearance of fire round about and within it … this was the likeness of the glory of the Lord.”

Rv 1:13-16; “I saw in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like the Son of Man … His eyes were like flames of fire … and His countenance was as the sun shining in all its strength.”

When God banished the evil angels from His presence, they were cut off from being renewed by His proximity. As a result of thousands of years of separation from God, these demons are now quite cold. Their spiritual fire burns without heat, and with just the coldness of outer space.

When you are in their vicinity, if you have enough spiritual sensitivity to be aware of them, you can feel that they give off a very cold sensation. The warmth they draw from being on Earth and around humans is a poor second to that which comes from God; but it’s better than nothing. As they work to take our heat and light and life, we and our world experience disease, decay, and death.

As we fight against these demons we should remain aware of what they are and what they’re trying to take. Resist their efforts and reject their claims! Let them know this is your world, your domain; and you’re not going to sit still while they try to steal it. As you rebuke them and send them out, condemn them to the cold, dark, airless torment of the Void. Or if you prefer to kill them outright, call for their cold flame of life to be extinguished!

As you work to heal the world and those who have been afflicted by the Prince of Darkness, call on the renewing and regeneration which comes through the light of God, the fire of the Holy Spirit, and the life of the Savior.

